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About Us:

State budgetary healtheare institution «Kuznetsk interdistrict hospital» - second level medical organization ,helping the population of Kuznetsk city, Kameshkir district, Neverkino district, Sosnovoborsk district ,total number of 133983 people ,including the adult population of 129818 people, as well as the children’s population of Kameshkir and Neverkinsky districts numbering 4165.

Medical care is provided in accordance with a license for medical activity LO-58-01-002197 from 27.12.2018.

The hospital includes Kameshkir and Neverkinsky district hospitals .

1015 employees work in the hospital to serve the city of Kuznetsk and the Kuznetsk district:doctors 159 people, nurses 536 people ,nursing staff 59 people.

56 doctors have the highest and first qualification category,  hospital has 4 candidates of medical sciences ,11 doctors awarded the mark «Excellent Health»,1 Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation.

Outpatient care is provided by 4 outpatient clinie  for 800 visits per shift ,12 outpatient clinics ,15 feldshermidwife points .

9 households have been deployed in the district.

Kuznetsk Interdistrict Hospital with 473 beds provides in-patient medical care to the population. Since 2011,a level 2 trauma center has been operating for victims treatment of patients with stroke and cardiology department for the treatment of patients with acute coronary syndrome.

Inpatient care is provided in 11 profiles. The bed place fund is presented:

48 bed places-surgical

24 bed places- purulent surgery

20 bed places- ophthalmic

105 bed places- therapeutic

45 bed places- cardiologic , 30 of them for the treatment of patients with acute coronary syndrome

45 bed places- neurologic, 30 of them for the treatment of patients with acute cerebrovascular accident.

15 bed places- infectious

60 bed places- psychiatric

35 bed places- narcological

15 bed places- dermatovenerologic

12 bed places- resuscitation

5 bed places- ambulance

10 bed places- nurse care

Medical assistance is provided both in an emergency and in a planned manner. Emergency assistance is provided on all profiles around the clock , 7 days a week. The percentage of emergency hospitalization is more than 80%.

Annually up to 15000 people receive specialized care in a hospital.

3700 operations are performed at the hospital every year. Surgical activity in departments amounted to 80%. Surgeons conduct a sufficient range of surgical aids, including using minimally invasive techniques. Traumatologists use various modern methods of osteosynthesis.

In the ophthalmology department, the cataract extraction technique is actively applied by phacoemulsification.

A wide range of diagnostic tests and treatment procedures are carried out in the hospital.

For inpatients and outpatients are performed:

  • The entire spectrum of x-ray examinations, including mammography
  • CT scan
  • Fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy and fibrocolonoscopy, including general anesthesia
  • Functional studies of the brain, cardiovascular and respiratory system.
  • Ultrasound examination of the heart, vessels , pelvic organs, abdominal organs and retroperitoneal space, mammary glands, thyroid.
  • A wide range of laboratory, serological, biochemical, cytological analyzes.


Our Contacts:

Location: Kalinina street, 52, Kuznetsk sity, Penza region, 442530

E-mail address: kuzneczk@health.pnzreg.ru

Phone: 8(84157)32371

Chief Doctor: Potapov Alexey Vladimirovich


Price list for paid medical and other services (procedures)